Mark Wefers Bettink

Measuring mitochondrial oxygenation and respiration in vivo in a human endotoxemia model 6 113 Data are presented as median and [range] for control group and median and [IQR] for all other groups. kg: kilogram, m: meter, bpm: beats per minute, mmHg; millimeters mercury. Temperature (median [IQR]) increased from 36.8 [36.4-37.0]°C at baseline to 38.5 [38.2- 38.8] °C at 4 hours after LPS administration, followed by a decrease to 37.8 [37.7-37.9] °C at 7 hours post-LPS (Fig. 3C). The total symptom score was 9 [3-11] (median [IQR]) points (out of a maximum of 25) at 1.45 hours after LPS administration (Fig. 3D) and remained elevated at 4 hours after LPS (6 [4-11]). No relevant changes in blood gas parameters were observed following LPS administration, although alterations in pH ,pCO 2 , and HCO 3 - were statistically significant (Table 2). Table 2. Arterial blood gas parameters during experimental endotoxemia in the LPS group Time (hours relative to LPS) -1 0 1.5 3 p-value pH 7.40 [7.39-7.42] 7.38 [7.36-7.40] ** 7.40 [7.39-7.42] 7.41 [7.39-7.42] 0.002 pCO 2 (mmHg) 39.7 [38.3-42.0] 39.6 [36.4-41.0] 38.0 [35.0-40.3]* 36.8 [33.3-40.0] * 0.02 PO 2 (mmHg) 114[109-118] 123[114-127] 117[103-129] 106[98.9-115] 0.16 HCO 3 - (mmol/l) 25.2 [23.8-26.2] 23.3 [21.8-24.2] **23.0 [22.0-24.6] ***23.7 [21.0-24.4] ** 0.0006 sO 2 (%) 98[98-99] 99[98-99] 99[98-99] 98[98-99] 0.55 Lactate (mmol/l) 0.7[0.5-0.8] 1.0[0.9-1.2] 1.0[0.7-1.1] 0.6[0.5-0.7] 0.55 pCO 2 : arterial carbon dioxide pressure, PO 2 : arterial oxygen pressure, BE: base excess, HCO 3 - : bicarbonate concentration, sO 2 : percentage of arterial hemoglobin oxygenation. Data presented as median [interquartile range] of 12 subjects. P-values were calculated using Friedman tests. * P < 0.05 compared to baseline, ** P < 0.01 compared to baseline, *** P < 0.001 compared to baseline calculated using Dunn’s post-hoc tests.