Mark Wefers Bettink

Chapter 7 138 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 60 80 O 2 consumption [pmol/(s*10 6 plaetlets)] A Unstimulated State 4o Maximal -10 0 10 20 30 O 2 consumption [pmol/(s*10 6 plaetlets)] B Control Unstimulated State 4o Maximal Sepsis Figure 3 Thrombocyte respiration rates, median and individual values. (A) Measurement on day of admittance for the control [n = 6] and sepsis group [n = 5] (B) Measurements at 5 – 7 days after the first measurement of the control group [n = 5] and of the sepsis group [n = 2]. Figure 4 shows the mtDNA levels control groups on M1 (day of admittance) and M2 (5-7 days after first measurement). mtDNA levels are elevated above the threshold value of 3200 copies/ml in one control and 4 sepsis patients on the first measurement and for one control patient on the second measurement. M1 M2 M1 M2 0 1×10 4 2×10 4 3×10 4 4×10 4 5×10 4 mtDNA (copies/ul plasma) mtDNA Control Sepsis Figure 4 mtDNA measurements, median and individual values. mtDNA for the control group on day of admittance (M1, n = 6) and after 5-7 days (M2, n= 5) and for the sepsis group on day of admittance (M1, n = 7) and after 5-7 days (M2, n =2). The dotted line is at 3200 copies /microliter plasma.