Mark Wefers Bettink

Chapter 8 156 Figure3 : Representativecasewithsignificant amount of blood lossduringpancreaticoduodenectomy. Blood pressure is presented in mean arterial pressure (dot) with the diastolic and systolic blood pressure represented by the bottom and top whiskers. MitoPO2; mitochondrial oxygen tension, Hb; hemoglobine, SpHb; peripheral hemoglobin, SpO2; peripheral oxygen saturation, PVI; pulse variation index, HR; heart rate Case B: Partial hepatectomy A 57-year-old women, ASA I underwent a partial hepatectomy because of a rapidly growing cyst. The patient’s relevant history includes a possible transient ischemic attack (TIA) in 2017. Her medication included clopidogrel 75mg once a day, which was stopped 5 days prior to surgery. Preoperative abdominal, respiratory and cardiac examination were unremarkable. The blood testing results are summarized in table 2. An epidural catheter was inserted before induction of anesthesia and epidural analgesia with ropivacaine/sufentanil was given prior to surgery. For induction of anesthesia, an IV bolus of 140 mg propofol, 50 mg rocuronium and infusion of remifentanil 7 mcg/kg/h was used. Anesthesia was maintained by using sevoflurane and continuous infusion of