Mark Wefers Bettink

Mind the mitochondria! 2 35 especially the patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, a multilevel approach is needed. In understanding the interplay between macrocirculation, microcirculation and parenchymal cells the mitochondria are key players that should not be overlooked. Conflict of interest statement EGM is inventor of the technique for measuring mitochondrial oxygen tension, as used in the COMET measuring system. He is founder and shareholder of Photonics Healthcare B.V., Utrecht, The Netherlands. Photonics Healthcare develops and markets the COMET system. All other authors declare no conflict of interest. Author contributions All authors contributed specific parts to themanuscript and read, corrected and approved the whole manuscript. Mark Wefers Bettink contributed with Hits on mitochondria, Cytopathic hypoxia, Ways to measure mitochondria and current insights and COMET. Sesmu Arbous contributed with the part on Hemodynamic coherence. Harold Raat contributed with the part on Metabolic adaptation. Egbert Mik drafted the manuscript and wrote the Abstract, Introduction, Aspects of mitochondrial function and Conclusion.