Jordy van Sambeeck

Chapter 7 120 Appendix Pubmed search : ((“Patellar Dislocation”[Mesh] OR (“Patella”[Mesh] AND “Dislocations”[Mesh]) OR ((patella*[tw]ORpatello*[tw]ORtrochlea*[tw])AND(dislocat*[tw]OR instability[tw] OR instabilities[tw] OR instable[tw] OR luxation*[tw] OR subluxation*[tw]))) AND (trochleo*[tw] OR trochlea*[tw] OR Sulcus[tw] OR patellar groove[tw] OR patellar dislocation/surgery)) OR patellar dislocation/complications. Embase and Web of Science search terms : ((Patella dislocation/ OR (exp patella/ AND exp dislocation)) OR ((patella* or patella* or trochlea) AND (dislocate* or instability or instabilities or instable or luxation* or subluxation*) ) .) AND ((trochlea* or trochleo*) . OR sulcus ti.ab . kw. OR patella dislocation/surgery) OR patella dislocation/complication. Limits: conference abstract or conference proceeding Cochrane Library search: Patellar Dislocation [MeSH] OR (Patella [MeSH] AND Dislocations [MeSH]) OR ((patella* or patella* or trochlea) AND (dislocate* or instability or instabilities or instable or luxation* or subluxation*)) List of abbreviations CPM: continuous passive motion DVT: deep venous thrombosis MPFL: medial patellofemoral ligament MRI: magnetic resonance imaging OR: operating room PE: pulmonary embolism PF OA: patellofemoral osteoarthritis PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses ROM: range of motion VMO: vastus medialis obliquus