Jordy van Sambeeck

Chapter 11 170 List of abbreviations BP Blackburne-Peel ratio BPII Banff patellar instability instrument CD Caton-Deschamps ratio CI Confidence interval COSMIN Consensus based standards for the selection of health measurement instruments CPM Continuous passive motion CR Conventional radiography CT Computational tomography DVT Deep venous thrombosis FU Follow-up ICC Intra-class correlation coefficient IKDC International knee documentation committee IRB Institutional review board IS Insall-Salvati ratio KKS Kujale knee score K-L Kellgren-Lawrence KOOS Knee disability and osteoarthritis outcome score MIS Modified Insall-Salvati ratio MPFL Medial patellofemoral ligament MRI Magnetic resonance imaging NPI Norwich patellar instability score NRS Numeric rating scale OR Operating room PF Patellofemoral PF OA Patellofemoral osteoarthritis PROMs Patient reported outcome measurements PTI Patellotrochlear index OA Osteoarthritis ROM Range of motion SF-36 Short form 36-item health survey TCP Tricalcium phosphate TKA Total knee arthroplasty TSA Tubercle-sulcus angle