Jordy van Sambeeck

Chapter 11 176 Radboud Institute for Health Science PhD portfolio Name PhD Cadidate: J.D.P. van Sambeeck Department: Orthopaedic Surgery Graduate School: Radboud Institute for Health Sciences PhD period: 29-06-2015 – 31-05-2021 Promotor(s): Prof. dr. ir. N.J.J. Verdonschot Co-promotor(s): Dr. ing. S.A.W. van de Groes Dr. S. Koëter Year(s) EC points TRAINING ACTIVITIES Courses and Workshops - Masterclass patellofemorale instabiliteit, Nijmegen - WMO/Good Clinical Practice Course, Nijmegen - ROGOO educational program for orthopedic residents - Followed courses for orthopedic training (ATLS provider course, OTC II operatieve fractuurbehandeling, AO trauma course, NVA arthroscopiecursus knie, CCOC-courses (9x), cursus knieprothesiologie, NOV starterscursus voet/enkel, cursus heupprothesiologie, basiscursus osteotomie ViaSana, Stralingshygiëne voor medisch specialisten) - Resident days on trauma – Johnson & Johnson institute 2016 2018 2016-20 2017-20 2018 0.4 0.8 4 17.5 0.8 Symposia and congresses - Poster presentation Conference Minnesota Orthopaedic Society - Visiting scientific congresses: NOV (4x), NVA (1x), VOCA (1x) - Poster presentation: NOV 2016, NVA 2016 - Presentation on symposium ‘Patellofemorale klachten’ on treatment after patellofemoral surgery, CWZ - Organizing resident symposia on Foot and ankle surgery in Sint Maartenskliniek 2013 2016-20 2016 2018 2020 0.25 2.00 0.5 0.25 2 Other - Visiting weekly Seminars and lectures St. Maartenskliniek and RadboudUMC (approx. 80) - Co-organizing Sports Event for Orthopedic surgeons and Residents - 3 month visiting internship dr. E.A. Arendt, orthopedic surgeon, member of International Patellofemoral Study Group, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2019-20 2017 2012 8 1 12 Lecturing / education / Supervision interships Student internship coaching (Approx 1/2-hour supervision per week) Journal clubs and clinical presentations in St. Maartenskliniek and RadboudUMC (6x) 2017-20 2016-20 5 6 TOTAL 60.5