Jordy van Sambeeck

Chapter 11 178 About the author Jordy Dominicus Petrus van Sambeeck was born on April 24 th , 1991 in Helmond. After living in Griendtsveen the first two years of his life, his family moved to Eersel, situated in the region ‘De Kempen’ near Eindhoven. Together with his younger brother Davey, Jordy was raised here. In 2009, Jordy finished the Atheneum at the Rythovius College in Eersel and graduated with honor. He went to medical school at the Radboud University in Nijmegen and lives in Nijmegen since then. During his first year of medical school, Jordy sustained an anterior cruciate ligament rupture during a soccer game and a surgical procedure was needed. That was when he started to gain interest in the world of orthopaedic surgery. Next to medical school, Jordy worked as a surgical assistant at the department of orthopedics at the Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital (CWZ), Nijmegen. After he completed his bachelor’s degree with honor, he went abroad for 3 months and completed an internship at the department of orthopedics at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN, USA) under the supervision of dr. Elizabeth Arendt. During this internship, Jordy gained specific interest in the patellofemoral joint. During the last year of medical school, Jordy performed his senior clerkship at the department of orthopaedic surgery of different hospitals in and around Nijmegen (Radboudumc, Sint Maartenskliniek and Rijnstate Hospital). During this year, Jordy started the first research projects for this thesis. His clinical career started as a non-residential doctor at the Sint Maartenskliniek, under supervision of dr. A.B. Wymenga and dr. V.J.J.F. Busch. In June 2017, he started as a resident at the department of orthopaedic surgery in the CWZ, where he worked under the supervision of drs. F.Polat. In January 2019, he continued his training in the Sint Maartenskliniek. In July 2020, he continued his residency in the Radboudumc. Meanwhile, he performed research for his PhD thesis, encouraged by dr. S. Koeter and dr. ing. S.A.W. van de Groes. This led to the completion of this thesis with as main focus osteotomies for the treatment of patellofemoral instability. Currently, Jordy is in his fifth year of residency at the department of orthopaedic surgery in Rijnstate Arnhem. He will finish his training in 2023. He lives in Nijmegen with his wife Senja, whom he married in August 2021.