Jordy van Sambeeck

Age at surgery is correlated with pain scores following trochlear osteotomy in lateral patellar instability 5 77 Risk factor (independent variable) Multivariable regression coefficient (95% CI) P-value Age at time of surgery -0.22 (-1.4;0.96) 0.71 Female 17.2 (0.58;33.8) 0.043 Previous procedures performed 7.6 (-12.7;27.8) 0.46 Patellar height 19.4 (-13.6;52.4) 0.25 Trochlear dysplasia A or C vs. B or D 4.9 (-11.3;21.2) 0.55 Additional MPFL reconstruction -1.5 (-32.9;29.8) 0.92 Additional tibial tubercle transfer 1.4 (-12.2;15.0) 0.84 Table 5. Results of multivariable regression analysis for VAS instability as dependent variable. CI: confidence interval. Bold risk factor: statistically significant. Risk factor (independent variable) Multivariable regression coefficient (95% CI) P-value Age at time of surgery 0.13 (-1.0;1.3) 0.82 Female 8.6 (-7.4;24.6) 0.29 Previous procedures performed 17.1 (-2.5;36.7) 0.086 Patellar height 10.6 (-21.2;42.4) 0.51 Trochlear dysplasia A or C vs. B or D 10.5 (-5.2;26.1) 0.19 Additional MPFL reconstruction -12.7 (-42.9;17.5) 0.41 Additional tibial tubercle transfer 2.1 (-11.1;15.2) 0.76 Table 6. Results of multivariable regression analysis for VAS disability as dependent variable. CI: confidence interval. Bold risk factor: statistically significant. Risk factor (independent variable) Multivariable regression coefficient (95% CI) P-value Age at time of surgery -0.25 (-1.5;1.0) 0.70 Female -22.6 (-40.2; -4.9) 0.013 Previous procedures performed -11.6 (-33.2;10.0) 0.29 Patellar height -7.5 (-42.7;27.6) 0.67 Trochlear dysplasia A or C vs. B or D 2.8 (-14.5;20.1) 0.75 Additional MPFL reconstruction 5.3 (-28.0;38.7) 0.75 Additional tibial tubercle transfer -2.2 (-16.7;12.3) 0.76 Table 7. Results of multivariable regression analysis for VAS satisfaction as dependent variable. CI: confidence interval. Bold risk factor: statistically significant. Complications included a postoperative flexion deficit in four knees. In one knee of a female patient at the age of 47 years at time of surgery, postoperatively the trochlear osteotomy broke out to the distal femoral condyle, open reduction and refixation with two screws was performed, however it resulted in arthrofibrosis and patellofemoral osteoarthritis (PF OA). One patient had persisting instability together with PF OA in the knee and underwent a patellofemoral arthroplasty one year postoperatively, in two patients the tricalciumphospate (TCP) wedge was removed because of dislocation, in one patient it dislocated and in one patient this wedge broke, and one patient had deep venous thrombosis.