Jordy van Sambeeck

Chapter 6 92 Patellar Stability n (%) Catching of the patella Never 13 (86.7) sometimes 1 (6.7) Often 1 (6.7) Symptoms of patellar instability never 8 (53.3) With severe exertion 1 (6.7) With light exertion 5 (33.3) Continuous 1 (6.7) Patellar dislocations None 11 (73,3) Once 0 (0) 2-5 times 1 (6.7) Over 5 times 3 (20) Total 15 (100) Table 2. The assessment of outcome for patellar instability Physical exam findings n/N (%) Positive Signe du Rabot 12/14 (86) J-Sign present 7/14 (50) Positive apprehension test 3/14 (21) Table 3. Physical examination: patellofemoral evaluation (n=14) Patellofemoral evaluation in 14 knees, as one kneewas not available for physical examination. a. b. c. Figure 2. Conventional radiographs of the three grades of patellofemoral OA according to the Iwano classification showing (a) grade 0, no features of OA; (b) grade I, remodeling; (c) grade II, joint space narrowing of < 3 mm.