
170 | Chapter 7 Curriculum vitae John Pradeep Veluchamy was born November 17, 1984 in Oddanchatram, Tamil Nadu, India. He completed his secondary school education in 2002, and joined Christian Medical College, Vellore for his bachelor’s, and graduated with honours in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences in 2006. Next one year, he underwent rotatory internships in the departments of Clinical Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology and Virology labs at Christian Medical College, Vellore. In 2007, he did a bridge course in “Advanced Biomedical Laboratory science methods” followed by a report entitled “A comparison study on the soluble expression of CXCL16 in macrophage cultures” at Örebro University in Sweden. In 2008, John returned to diagnostics, where he worked as a laboratory technologist in a Clinical laboratory and Blood bank at Christian Fellowship Hospital in Oddanchatram, India. In September 2010, John moved to London to pursue his master’s in “Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Research” at King’s college London. The master’s thesis project entitled ““Assessment of T cell, B cell and NK cell recovery after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation using lymphocyte- depleting antibodies to prevent graft versus host disease” motivated him to dive deep into Immunology. In 2011, he had an excellent opportunity to work in a research project focussed on NK cells and ADCC mechanism entitled “An exploratory open label multicentre study to investigate pharmacodynamics of a human monoclonal antibody antagonist of EGFR, in head and neck cancer patients in the Department of Haematological medicine at King’s College London, UK. In March 2013, he enrolled into the PhD program sponsored by Marie Curie FP7 NATURIMMUN consortium, a joint project between VU university Amsterdam and Glycostem, where his focus for the last 4 years, was on research into application of allogeneic NK cells towards treatment in solid tumors. John has authored 7 peer reviewed articles so far. John continues to work in the field of allogeneic NK cell immunotherapy at Glycostem Therapeutics in Oss, Netherlands.