
174 | Chapter 7 like to extend my special thanks to Famke, who started NK cell experiments at the CCA, and to all my beloved colleagues at the CCA; Reineke, Lotte, Renee, Inge, Tracy, Jossie, Iris, Kim, Bas, Henk, Jana, Saskia, and Harsha for their love and tremendous support during these years. Another big pillar of support in my journey was team “Glycostem”, the biotech company who pioneered in the field of “off the shelf” allogeneic NK cell therapy for treating cancers. Being part of Glycostem, enriched my knowledge on NK cells and on the application of NK cells to treat cancer. To begin with, I would like to thank Marleen, for your excellent guidance and support in starting up the project. Thank you for sharing your experience with the techniques and for those delicious apple tarts. Fenna, of all the help, I greatly appreciate your timely support during the in vivo experiments, which was very vital for me to finish the experiments on time. Nina, I greatly enjoyed writing the review article and FACS panel experiments with you. Your perseverance and determination to give in your best, are positives I learnt from you. Amanda, thank you so much for taking the challenge to kindly review my so called Dutch summary, and make it look like a Dutch summary. Liana, I would like to extend my special appreciation and thanks for your immense help in the administration work over the years, without your help it would have been very difficult for me to navigate through the Dutch letters and documents. Angela, great to team up with you and I am looking forward to work together. Dirk, I sincerely thank you for your support and encouragement during my early PhD years. Thank you for your love and sincere efforts in helping me to relocate and settle in Amsterdam. Wim, thank you for your constant encouragement and interest in the work at CCA. Troels, thank you so much for your support. In the last one year, you have given me excellent opportunities to grow and learn at Glycostem. Your enthusiasm to advance NK cell therapy in solid tumors motivates me, and I am looking forward to continuing to work with you. I gratefully acknowledge the funding sources that made my Ph.D. work possible. Being part of Marie Curie FP7 "NATURIMMUN" consortium (naturimmun.eu) , was a great opportunity which made me realize my dream and to pursue a PhD in cancer research. Thanks to the enthusiastic group - Maria, Silvia, Aldi, Dominik, Susi, Mirte, Kattria, Konstantina, Alessa, Angélica, Thorsten, Oana and Giorgina, mentored by eminent scientists in the field of NK cell research, Ulrike Köhl, Erhard Hofer, James di Santo, Ofer Mandelboim, Miguel López Botet, John Trowsdale, Arndt von Haeseler, Amit Nathwani, Volker Huppert, Jan Spanholtz, Eugene Zhukovsky and Martin Treder. The members of the NATURIMMUN consortium have contributed immensely to my professional development. At this juncture, I would like to specially thank Maria and Volker for the collaboration project leading towards a