
7 Acknowledgements | 175 joint publication on the development of NK FACS panels overcoming variability between different centers (chapter 2). My sincere thanks to Silvia and James di Santo, for your valuable suggestions, excellent co-operation in conducting the in vivo experiments at Institut Pasteur, leading to a joint publication highlighting UCB-NK cells anti-tumor efficacy in colon cancer (chapter 5). In addition to this, the winter and summer schools focussed on business and intellectual properties were very informative, making me aware of the translational relevance and the challenges ahead on the road to commercialization of NK cell therapies. At this moment, I would also like to specially thank the Roche “NK cell research group” at King’s college London, led by Farzan Farzaneh, with special thanks to Rebecca, Shahram, David, Thomas, Annie, Maeve, Pillar, Lucas, Yollanda, Jothi, Ruby, Eunice, Pramila, Mo and Celine. Linda, thank you so much for introducing me to the world of Immunology. The MSc project under your guidance and the training I received were very important and has eventually motivated me to fall in love with NK cells. It is a humbling experience to acknowledge friends and family, who constantly supported and have travelled with me in this journey. My sincere gratitude to John McGaritty and Margaret McGaritty, who were a great pillar of support and encouragement, from my childhood till today, and have been the motivation for me to choose cancer research as a career path. Thank you very much for your selfless help which has transformed my life. My desire to study a masters in King’s college London, would not have turned into a reality, without the timely support and love of John Thomas and Sarah Thomas, who adopted me into their family and constantly encouraged me to keep going and to trust in God always. Their continuous support and prayers, kept me going through difficult times. Thank you so much Gisamama and Johnny uncle. I would also like to sincerely thank Masato Kashima, Takashi Goda, members of JOCS Japan, Moto, Shien and members of BSF London for your friendship, love and support. I would like to thank my “Great Hounslow Family”. I am blessed by the words of wisdom and warm love from Thangamma Ammachi and George Appacha, who showed keen interest in my work and constantly encouraged me to keep going. Dear Mathucha and Animama, thank you so much for constantly encouraging me and I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions. Dear Sunny uncle and Emily aunty, John uncle and Alice aunty, Jobycha and Ruby Chechi, Susheel, Santhosh, Vijay and Sujaya, thank you so much for your love and support. Dear Sabucha and Sushi chechi, what a blessing it was to stay at your place, the tasty Kerala dishes, spending time with Tom and Chris, the memories are still so fresh, I am grateful for the love and care you showed me during my studies. Dear Rosh, Anjali and Preetha, I am truly blessed to have met you, and cherish your friendship, and thank you for being a great support for me. At this moment, I want to say a big thank you to you all. Dear