Suzanne de Bruijn

130 Chapter 3.1 Table S4. Results of vestibular testing Family Subject (age) Click- evoked ABR Remarks and history of vestibular complaints Oculu- motor testing vHIT (gain) SPV Caloric irrigation Rotating chair Conclusion Warm (°/s) (10-52) a Cold (°/s) (7-31) a Conclusion Gain (%) (33-72) a SPV (°/s) (30-65) a Tau (s) R L R L CW CCW CW CCW CW CCW W97-056 III:24 (48) NT no normal NT NT NT 12 13 normal NA NA 49 50 15 15 normal III:11 (53) NT no normal NT 31 18 16 9 normal NA NA 28 30 14 14 Underestimated b W02-016 III:1 (71) N Infrequent vertigo attacks since the age of 65 years normal NT NT NT 3 11 hyporeactive NA NA 51 33 10 11 Hyporeactive III:9 (63) c N Balance complaints after CI surgery normal normal NT NT 19 24 normal 70 61 63 56 15 19 normal III:10 (60) N no normal normal 32 39 NT NT normal 46 57 42 52 12 12 normal W04-262 III:16 (60) NT no normal normal 31 30 37 46 normal NA NA 42 65 22 15 normal III:19 (48) NT no normal NT 9 7 9 8 normal 65 78 59 71 21 15 normal W18-1421 IV:2 (47) NT no normal normal 23 19 12 19 normal 75 80 68 72 11 11 normal W18-0470 III:1 (32) N no normal normal 12 26 12 12 normal 82 60 75 55 10 12 normal Auditory brainstem response; vHIT, video head impulse test; °/s, degrees per seconds; SPV, slow phase velocity; Tau, time constant; R, right ear; L, left ear; CW, clockwise; CCW, counterclockwise; N, no abnormalities; NT, not tested; NA, not applicable. a , normative values at our institute b , nystagmus was suppressed due to stress c , Subject was tested after CI surgery and also had c- and oVEMP testing, no abnormalities were objectified (data not shown).