Suzanne de Bruijn

133 A RIPOR2 deletion is a frequent cause of adult-onset hearing loss Table S7. Primer sequences Target Primer Oligonucleotides (5’-3’) RIPOR2 exon 14, wt allele Forward aagcagctggtcaagagg Reverse gcagccttcagattctcc RIPOR2 exon 14, mut allele Forward ggaaggaaacatcacaaagag Reverse gcagccttcagattctcc RIPOR2 exons 3-4, mRNA Forward ggccttgaaaaatggacttg Reverse ccaggcgagagtttcttttc GUSB exons 2-3, mRNA Forward agagtggtgctgaggattgg Reverse ccctcatgctctagcgtgtc Primer sequences for RIPOR2 are based on reference sequence NM_00147722.3 and for GUSB on NM_00181.3. wt, wildtype; mut, mutant.