Suzanne de Bruijn
142 Chapter 3.1 0 40 80 60 20 100 120 -10 dB .25 .5 1 2 4 8 kHz W97-056 III:14 48.7 y p95 (70 y) 59.8 y 69.5 y Hearing threshold (dB HL) 0 40 80 60 20 100 120 -10 dB .25 .5 1 2 4 8 kHz W97-056 III:20 50.2 y p95 (70 y) 70.6 y 0 40 80 60 20 100 120 -10 dB .25 .5 1 2 4 8 kHz W97-056 III:21 45.2 y 68.1 y P95 (65 y) Frequency (kHz) Hearing threshold (dB HL) 0 40 80 60 20 100 120 -10 .25 .5 1 2 4 8 W04-262 III.10 p95 (65 y) 50,34 y L 50,34 y R dB kHz Frequency (kHz) Hearing threshold (dB HL) Hearing threshold (dB HL) Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) Figure S6. Audiograms of hearing impaired individuals without the RIPOR2 c.1696_1707del variant. Air conduction thresholds are depicted of all hearing impaired subjects who did not have the c1696_1707del RIPOR2 variant. In Table S5 information about possible explanations for their hearing impairment is provided. In case of symmetry, the averages of left and right ear thresholds are shown. Otherwise, colorized (right red, left blue) audiograms of both ears are depicted. The p95 values are matched to the individuals’ sex and age at the most recent audiometry, according to the ISO 7029:2017 standard. The age range for which the ISO 7029:2017 can be applied is 18 to 70 years. y, age in years; R, right; L, left; dB HL, decibel hearing level; kHz, kiloHertz.
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