Suzanne de Bruijn

256 Chapter 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Lieke Lamers, Jolinda Put and Evelien Verwoerd for their assistance in genetic analyses and Ronald van Beek, Ellen Kater-Baats, Marcel Nelen and Michiel Oorsprong for technical support. We would like to thank Mieke Wesdorp for including subjects in the study and GaluhD.N. Astuti and Christian Gilissen for their contribution to statistical and bioinformatic analyses.We thank the Radboudumc Genomics Technology Center, Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, for their technical assistance. This study was financially supported by a DCMN Radboudumc grant (to H.K. and F.P.M.C.) and by a grant of the Heinsius-Houbolt foundation (to R.J.E.P. and H.K). TM was supported by the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation. This research was part of the Netherlands X-omics Initiative and partially funded by NWO (The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research; project 184.034.019). CONSORTIA DOOFNL consortium : The DOOFNL consortium is a Dutch nationwide collaboration on hereditary hearing loss and consists of M.F. van Dooren, S.G. Kant, H.H.W. de Gier, E.H. Hoefsloot, M.P. van der Schroeff (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands), L.J.C. Rotteveel, F.G. Ropers (LUMC, Leiden, the Netherlands), J.C.C.Widdershoven, J.R. Hof, E.K. Vanhoutte (MUMC+, Maastricht, the Netherlands), I. Feenstra, H. Kremer, C.P. Lanting, R.J.E. Pennings, H.G. Yntema (Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands), R.H. Free and J.S. Klein Wassink-Ruiter (UMCG, Groningen, the Netherlands), R.J. Stokroos, A.L. Smit, M.J. van den Boogaard (UMC, Utrecht, the Netherlands) and F.A. Ebbens, S.M. Maas, A. Plomp, T.P.M. Goderie, P. Merkus and J. van de Kamp (Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands).