Suzanne de Bruijn

47 The impact of modern technologies on molecular diagnostics Figure 2. Overview of Nanopore sequencing. (A) Library preparation includes end-repairing, adding dA-tails and ligation of two types of adapters to both ends of the ultra-long dsDNA. The adapters carry the motor enzyme (orange) and hairpin- protein (green) to facilitate movement of DNA through the pore and ensure sequencing of the second strand of DNA, respectively. (B) The library is loaded into the flow cell in the instrument. The flow cell contains thousands of nanopores that allow Cl - and K + ion-flow between the two compartments. The motor enzyme anchors to the nanopore and unwinds the DNA to pass it through the pore. Thereby, the electric current is influenced based on the unique shape of each nucleotide in ssDNA. These changes in the electric current are later translated to sequences.