Maayke Hunfeld

138 Chapter 4 Supplemental table 1. Overview of timing and reasoning of WLST due to poor neurologic prognosis and the use of ancillary tests Tests/Reasons to WLST WLST <24hrs N=22 WLST 24-48hrs N=4 WLST 48-72hrs N=2 WLST >72 hrs N=14 Neurologic exam + Medical condition pre-arrest 1 + Other sever injury 2 N=2 N=1 Neurologic exam + Medical condition pre- arrest 1 + Imaging or EEG 3 CT N=1 Neurologic exam + Medical condition pre- arrest 1 N=1 Neurologic exam + Other severe injury 2 + Imaging or EEG 3 CT MRI N=2 N=1 EEG+CT N=1 CT N=1 N=4 Neurologic exam + Other severe injury 2 N=4 Neurologic exam + Imaging CT N=3 MRI N=5 Neurologic exam + EEG N=4 N=1 N=1 Neurologic exam + EEG + Imaging CT N=3 CT N=1 CT MRI N=1 N=3 Neurologic exam + EEG + Imaging + SSEP MRI N=1 Neurologic exam N=1 Total N=22 N=22 N=4 N=2 N=14 1 Medical conditions pre-arrest were: Metastatic brain tumor, pulmonary hypoplasia, preexistent severe encephalopathy 2 Other severe injuries were: Circulatory failure or respiratory failure, severe damage cervical spine, fulminant meningitis, multi organ failure, severe traumatic brain injury with immeasurable high intracranial pressure 3 Imaging or EEG could be: MRI brain or CT brain or ultrasound brain or EEG EEG=Electroencephalography, SSEP=Somato Sensory Evoked Potential, WLST= Withdraw Life Sustaining Therapies