Maayke Hunfeld

141 Cause of death Supplemental table 2. (continued) Nr. Sex (M/F) Time decision WLST a Pre-arrest PCPC Neurological exam b Sedative infusions c Targeted Tempe rature d EEG e CT brain MRI brain Ultrasound brain Decision WLST based on f 22 F 0 Normal Unilateral reactive pupil; No CR; No OCR; No triggering ventilation; Best Motor score M1 No 36°C - Diffuse swelling and brain herniation - - Neurologic exam + imaging 23 M 1 Normal No reactive pupils; No CR; OCR ND; No triggering ventilation; Best Motor score M1 Midazolam - Iso electric Multiple ischemic areas cortical - - Neurologic exam + EEG + imaging 24 F 1 Normal Unknown reactive pupils * ; CR * ; Unknown OCR * ; triggering ventilation ND; Best Motor score M1 No - Iso electric Diffuse swelling - - Neurologic exam + EEG + imaging + no improvement after laparotomy for abdominal compartment syndrome + persistent circulatory failure 25 M 1 Normal No reactive pupils; No CR; OCR ND; No triggering ventilation; Best Motor score M1 Midazolam - Iso electric - - - Neurologic exam + EEG 26 F 1 Severe disability No reactive pupils; CR ND; OCR ND; triggering ventilation ND; Best Motor score M1 No - - - - - Neurologic exam + circulatory failure+ preexistent severe encephalopathy 27 F 2 Unknown because of age Reactive pupils; Unknown CR; Unknown OCR; Triggering ventilation present; Best Motor score M1 No - - Diffuse swelling - Diffuse swelling Neurologic exam + imaging + circulatory failure 28 F 2 Normal No reactive pupils; No CR; No OCR; No triggering ventilation; Best Motor score M1 Midazolam - BS No ischemia; No edema - - Neurologic exam + EEG 29 M 3 Normal Reactive pupils; CR ND ; OCR ND; triggering ventilation ND; Best Motor score M1 No - Low voltage; BS No Ischemia; No edema - - Neurologic exam + EEG + circulatory failure + multi- organ failure 30 M 3 Normal No reactive pupils; No CR; No OCR; No triggering ventilation; Best motor score M1 Pentobarbital - BS Diffuse swelling - - Neurologic exam+ EEG+imaging 4