Maayke Hunfeld

143 Cause of death Supplemental table 2. (continued) Nr. Sex (M/F) Time decision WLST a Pre-arrest PCPC Neurological exam b Sedative infusions c Targeted Tempe rature d EEG e CT brain MRI brain Ultrasound brain Decision WLST based on f 38 M 6 Normal Reactive pupils; CR +/+; OCR ND; Did trigger ventilation; Best motor score 1 Propofol - Epilepti form; GPD’s Diffuse swelling Multiple ischemic areas cortical, BG - Neurologic exam+EEG+ imaging+ SSEP 39 M 6 - *** No reactive pupils; No CR; No OCR; Did trigger ventilation; Best motor score 1 Midazolam, Morphine - BS No ischemia; No edema Multifocal ischemic areas cortex, subcortical Ischemia thalami bilateral Neurologic exam+imaging 40 F 7 - *** Pupils ND; CR ND; OCR ND; Did trigger ventilation; Best motor score 5 No - - - Ischemia thalami bilateral Possible ischemia Neurologic exam+imaging+ preexistent Turner syndrome and severe cardiac failure 41 F 12 - *** Unilateral reactive pupil * ; CR ND; OCR ND; Trigger ventilation ND; Best motor score 3 No - - - - Ischemia MCA L Neurologic exam+ imaging+ circulatory failure 42 M 18 Normal Reactive pupils; CR ND; OCR ND; Did trigger ventilation; Best motor score 1 No - Low voltage - Diffuse ischemia cortex, subcortical, BG, brainstem - Neurologic exam+imaging a = hours after CPR-event 0=0-24 hrs, 1=24-48 hrs and 2= 48-72 hrs, b = around decision making WLST, c = during neurological exam or discontinued <24 hrs before neurological exam, d = temperature first 24 hrs, e = only EEG results PICU admission – 24 hrs, f based on which characteristics clinicians decided to withdraw treatment for each individual patient, based on the notes in the medical records. 4