Maayke Hunfeld

164 Chapter 5 Supplemental table 1. Scoring system Right- sided Left- sided T1 T2 DWI/ ADC T1 T2 DWI/ ADC Cortex/white matter injury Focal (extent of injury <50%) Frontal, temporal, parietal, insular, occipital lobe Watershed regions Perirolandic region Corticospinal tract Hippocampus Corpus callosum Cerebellum Dentate nuclei Brain stem (including peduncles) o midbrain o pons o medulla Extensive (extent of injury ≥ 50% of the whole cortex/white matter or injury in 4 or more of the above mentioned brain regions) Deep grey matter injury Focal ( extent of injury <50%) Basal ganglia Thalami Extensive ( extent of injury ≥ 50%) Basal ganglia Thalami Punctate areas of infarction Absent Present Focal areas of hemorrhage Absent Present