Maayke Hunfeld

165 MRI and prognosis Because of the limited number of patients in the study cohort several items on the MRI scoring system were clustered into the following categories for final analysis: no injury, focal cortex/white matter injury (<50%) without deep grey matter injury, focal cortex/white matter injury (<50%) with deep grey matter injury, extensive cortex/ white matter injury ( ≥ 50%) without deep grey matter injury, extensive cortex/white matter injury ( ≥ 50%) with deep grey matter injury. The prevalence of punctate areas of infarction and focal areas of hemorrhage in the study cohort was too low to include in the analysis. 1.Oualha M, Gatterre P, Boddaert N, Dupic L, De Saint Blanquat L, Hubert P, et al. Early diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in children after cardiac arrest may provide valuable prognostic information on clinical outcome. Intens Care Med. 2013;39(7):1306-12. 2.Fink EL, Panigrahy A, Clark RSB, Fitz CR, Landsittel D, Kochanek PM, et al. Regional Brain Injury on Conventional and Diffusion Weighted MRI is Associated with Outcome After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest. Neurocrit Care. 2013;19(1):31-40. 3.Dubowitz DJ, Bluml S, Arcinue E, Dietrich RB. MR of hypoxic encephalopathy in children after near drowning: Correlation with quantitative proton MR spectroscopy and clinical outcome. Am J Neuroradiol. 1998;19(9):1617-27. 4.Christophe C, Fonteyne C, Ziereisen F, Christiaens F, Deltenre P, De Maertelaer V, et al. Value of MR imaging of the brain in children with hypoxic coma. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2002;23(4):716-23. 5.Park JS, Lee SW, Kim H, Min JH, Kang JH, Yi KS, et al. Efficacy of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging performed before therapeutic hypothermia in predicting clinical outcome in comatose cardiopulmonary arrest survivors. Resuscitation. 2015;88:132-7. 6.Weeke LC, Groenendaal F, Mudigonda K, Blennow M, Lequin MH, Meiners LC, et al. A Novel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score Predicts Neurodevelopmental Outcome After Perinatal Asphyxia and Therapeutic Hypothermia. J Pediatr. 2018;192:33-40 e2. 5