Maayke Hunfeld

166 Chapter 5 Supplemental table 2. PCPC Score Category Description 1 Normal Normal; at age-appropriate level 2 Mild disability Conscious, alert, and able to interact at age-appropriate level; school-age child attending regular school classroom, but grade perhaps not appropriate for age; possibility of mild neurologic deficit 3 Moderate disability Conscious; sufficient cerebral function for age-appropriate independent activities of daily life; school-age child attending special education classroom and/or learning deficit present. 4 Severe disability Conscious; dependent on others for daily support because of impaired brain function 5 Coma or vegetative state Any degree of coma without the presence of all brain death criteria; unaware, even if awake in appearance, without interaction with environment; cerebral unresponsiveness and no evidence of cortex function (not aroused by verbal stimuli); possibility of some reflexive response, spontaneous eye- opening, and sleep-wake cycles 6 Brain death Apnea, areflexia, and/or electroencephalographic silence