Maayke Hunfeld

170 Chapter 5 Supplemental table 4. Causes of death before discharge and findings MRI Brain death WLST-neuro WLST-cardio-resp + neuro MRI: no brain injury 0 0 0 MRI: brain injury without involvement deep grey matter 0 1 0 MRI: Focal brain injury with involvement deep grey matter 0 0 1 MRI: extensive brain injury with involvement deep grey matter 4 7 0 Total 4 8 1 WLST= withdrawal of life sustaining therapy Supplemental table 5. MRI findings (presence of injury) and association with outcome at discharge Region T1 T2 DWI/ ADC Good n=18 Poor/ Death n=22 P-value Good n=18 Poor/ death n=22 P-value Good n=18 Poor/ death n=22 P-value Brain lobes Frontal 0 8 0.004 1 14 <0.001 1 14 <0.001 Temporal 0 8 0.004 0 12 <0.001 0 12 <0.001 Parietal 0 9 0.002 1 15 <0.001 1 15 <0.001 Insular 0 8 0.004 0 10 0.001 0 9 0.002 Occipital 0 9 0.002 1 14 <0.001 1 15 <0.001 Watershed region 0 0 0.002 1 11 0.002 1 11 0.002 Perirolandic region 0 11 <0.001 1 15 <0.001 1 15 <0.001 Corticospinal tract 0 5 0.031 0 6 0.016 0 8 0.004 Hippocampus 0 9 0.002 0 11 <0.001 0 12 <0.001 Corpus callosum 0 4 0.057 0 5 0.031 1 6 0.072 Cerebellum 0 7 0.008 0 9 0.002 0 6 0.016 Dentate nuclei 0 5 0.031 0 5 0.031 0 4 0.057 Brain stem 0 4 0.057 1 12 0.001 0 10 0.001 Deep grey matter Focal Diffuse 0 0 1 7 0.017 1 2 4 13 0.001 0 0 3 9 0.001 Injury was always bilateral, except for 1 patient with unilateral injury in brainstem, and 1 patient with unilateral injury in right frontal lobe. Both patients had injury in multiple brain areas. Chi-Square was used to determine the association between MRI findings and outcome