Maayke Hunfeld

177 Shockable rhythm and outcome regional transport, re-arrest). C) outcome (pre-hospital mortality, ROSC, SHD and neurologic outcome at the longest available follow-up interval). At the longest available follow-up interval the neurologic outcome was determined using a Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category score (PCPC, ranging from 1 to 6) and a Functional Status Scale score (FSS, ranging from 6 to 30). The PCPC and FSS scores are internationally validated scores for assessing a child’s overall cognitive and functional status after critical illness or injury (30, 31). The PCPC and FSS scores were based on one of four possible sources: 1) the prospective longitudinal follow-up outpatient clinic database (2012-2019 cohort). 2) the cross-sectional outcome database (2002-2011 cohort) (23). 3) hospital letters from outpatient clinic visits. 4) hospital discharge letters after the pOHCA. Both cross-sectional and prospective follow-up databases included validated neurocognitive and daily functioning questionnaires. Hospital letters contained more crude descriptions. The PCPC and FSS were scored by two physicians and one pediatric neurologist independently and in case of disagreement (in less than 5% of cases) agreement was reached through a consensus meeting. Outcome measures The primary outcome measure was survival with favorable neurologic outcome at the longest available follow-up interval. Survival with favorable neurologic outcome was defined as a PCPC score of 1-2 or no difference between pre- and post-arrest PCPC, in hospital survivors at the longest available follow-up interval. Unfavorable outcome was defined as: no ROSC, no survival to hospital discharge despite ROSC and PCPC 3-6. Secondary outcome measures were survival and favorable neurological outcome in the group of hospital-survivors. No universal definition of favorable neurologic outcome exists. The PCPC score is mostly based on daily activity and school performance so ‘favorable outcome’ largely depends on a country’s school system. Favorable neurologic outcome has been defined in the literature as PCPC 1-2 as well as PCPC 1-3 (9, 21, 32). Because in the Netherlands, a high threshold for attending a special needs classroom exists, favorable neurologic outcome was defined as PCPC 1-2. Statistical analysis Baseline characteristics and survival outcome were reported using descriptive statistics. Categorical variables were reported as percentages and frequencies, and 6