Maayke Hunfeld

194 Chapter 6 Supplementary Table 1. Patient and cardiac arrest characteristics by age group. Infants Children Adolescents (n = 95) (n = 187) (n = 78) n a n a n a p-Value d Patient characteristics Male gender c 95 58 61% 187 119 64% 78 48 62% 0.887 Pre-existings conditions c 95 38 40% 186 69 37% 77 48 62% 0.001 - Respiratory 5 13% 20 29% 15 31% 0.015 - Cardiac 11 29% 13 19% 7 15% 0.405 - Neurologic 5 13% 16 23% 16 33% 0.004 - Metabolic 0 0% 1 1% 2 4% 0.182 - Congential malformation (non-cardiac) 14 37% 15 22% 3 6% 0.044 - Renal 2 5% 1 1% 1 2% 0.110 - Genetic/Chromosomal 11 29% 9 13% 5 10% 0.080 - Other 18 47% 30 43% 22 46% 0.165 SES parents c 93 182 77 0.254 - 1 38 41% 68 37% 22 29% 0.237 - 2 33 35% 80 44% 40 52% 0.099 - 3 22 24% 34 19% 15 19% 0.616 Cardiac arrest characteristics Event location – public (versus private) c 95 15 16% 187 78 42% 78 34 44% <0.001 Witnessed arrest c 95 46 48% 185 63 34% 78 43 55% 0.003 Bystander BLS c 95 63 66% 185 123 66% 76 55 72% 0.617 Bystander AED use c 95 5 5% 187 11 6% 78 14 18% 0.005 EMS defibrillation c 95 4 4% 187 22 12% 78 33 42% <0.001 CPR duration (minutes) b 71 38.0 10.0 - 75.0 160 35.0 8.0 - 75.0 60 15.0 6.0 - 60.0 0.141 Initial rhythm c 93 181 77 <0.001 - Shockable (VF) 4 4% 14 8% 30 39% <0.001 - Unknown/ROSC before EMS arrival 23 25% 41 23% 6 8% 0.006 - Non-shockable 66 71% 126 70% 41 53% 0.025 Asystole 48 73% 91 72% 32 78% 0.356 PEA 6 9% 13 10% 4 10% 0.958 Bradycardia 12 18% 22 17% 4 10% 0.186 Other 2 17% 1 5% 1 25% 0.219 Cause of arrest c 95 187 78 <0.001