Maayke Hunfeld

254 Chapter 8 Table 4. Summary of international research agenda International research agenda Establish an international pediatric CA consortium with members of EPNS/ESPNIC and PediRES-Q with special interest in outcome. Aims: 1. The development of neuro-prognostication guidelines and prediction model by -Developing standardized care for children after CA, followed by -Collecting data in an international database, followed by -Evaluating all collected data 2. The development of a standardized follow-up program for pediatric OHCA survivors Development of a definition of a ‘good’ or ‘poor’ outcome by Steering committee from P-COSCA paper. CA= Cardiac arrest; EPNS= European Paediatric Neurology Society; ESPNIC= European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care; OHCA= Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; P-COSCA= Pediatric core outcome set for CA in children; PediRes-Q= Pediatric Resuscitation Quality Collaborative Conclusion Pediatric OHCA is rare, and associated with high mortality. Although most survivors have a good outcome reflected by the PCPC score 2 years post-OHCA, they may have cognitive deficits in domains of attention and intelligence and executive function at 2 years. Predicting outcome in children after OHCA, in particular when they are comatose, is challenging for physicians. In Europe, neuro-prognostication practices differ between countries and hospitals. International prognostication guidelines and prediction models are non-existent so far. There is an urgent need of developing an international neuro-prognostication guideline with a prediction model and an international standardized follow-up program. This program should continue into adulthood with longitudinal data acquisition in order to fully understand the long-term consequences and impact of OHCA in childhood (see tables 3 and 4). This can only be achieved through national and international collaboration.