Maayke Hunfeld

55 Review neuromonitoring EEG classification EEG timing Results Mortality (%) Limitations EBM Grade 1= Normal 2=Nearly continuous 3=Discontinues traces 4=Burst-attenuation, BS, suppression Onset cEEG < 24 hrs after ROSC: median 9.3 hrs post (5.8-14.9)up to 16 hrs -The presence of sleep spindles was associated with a good neurological outcome (P=0.001) -Spindles absent in all patients with severely abnormal EEG background -EEG background is associated with good neurological outcome Unspecified -Retrospective -Small cohort -Non-blinded -N=1 with spindles poor outcome -N=2 without spindles good outcome -Crude outcome 2B No classification, looked at: -Seizures -BS -Background suppression -Myoclonic status epilepticus -GPEDs - α coma -Continuous slow vEEG <10 days after CA Timing not specified, duration not specified. Background suppression (<10 μV) significantly associated with poor outcome (P0.005) (N=8 in poor outcome group vs N=0 in good outcome group) Duration of CA, out of hospital CA, arterial pH, arterial lactate, lack of pupil reactivity to light, absent motor response to noxious stimuli and absent brainstem reflexes were all predictors of poor neurological outcome 18% (IHCA) 47% (OHCA) -Retrospective -Small cohort -Short and crude outcome -vEEG when clinical suspicion of seizers or as a part of therapeutic hypothermia -timing and duration vEEG not specified -Clinicians non blinded for vEEG results -Neonates included? -ROSC > 20 min excluded 2B 2