Maayke Hunfeld

65 Review neuromonitoring Outcome Score Follow up interval Results Mortality (%) Limitations Grade -GOS (good and moderate = good outcome) 1 and 5 years after event -HUI:1 HSUV 1.00- 0.70 = good outcome HSUV 0.69- 0.30 = moderate outcome HSUV 0.29- 0.00= Poor outcome HSUV <0.00 = ‘worse than death’ 5 years after event Normal SEP (grade 1) and GOS 5 yrs: Pos pred power 85% neg pred power 67% Normal SEP (grade 1 and HUI:1 5 yrs: Pos pred power 85% neg pred power 75% Bil absent SEP (grade 5) and GOS 5 yrs: pos pred power 91%, neg pred power 74% Bil absent SEP (grade 5) and HUI:1 5 yrs: Pos pred power 94%, neg pred power 68% In 12 pts outcome improved between 1 and 5 yrs.4 42% (total cohort at 5 yrs) -Unclear how many pts with HIE had CA -Outcome by telephone interview -N=3 with absent SEP had good outcome - N=6 with normal SEP had poor outcome 2B 1. dead, brain-dead, awake or uncertain at 24 hrs post admission. 2. PCPC and POPC in third year after event (1-2-3 = good outcome) All 12 children with bilateral absent SEP had poor outcome (P=0.001) Of 13 pts with normal SEP, 3 had poor outcome BAEP had no predictive value Other factors predictive of unfavourable outcome (expressed in PPV): - CPR duration > 10 min, GCS < 5 after 24 hrs - EEG: discontinuous pattern, spikes, epileptiform discharges 45 % (children with uncertain prognosis) Heterogeneous population (no subgroup analysis possible) 2B 2