Maayke Hunfeld

94 Chapter 3 ○ University children’s hospital ○ Other: What is your profession? * If you choose ‘Other:’ please also specify your choice in the accompanying text field. Please choose only one of the following: ○ Pediatric intensivist ○ Pediatric anesthesiologist ○ Pediatrician ○ (Pediatric) neurologist ○ Pediatric cardiologist ○ Other: How many years of experience do you have working/ clinical visits in a PICU (as a staff member and/or as a fellow)? * Please choose only one of the following: ○ 1-5 years ○ 6-10 years ○ 11-20 years ○ >20 years Is the PICU combined with an adult ICU or NICU? * If you choose ‘Other:’ please also specify your choice in the accompanying text field. Please choose only one of the following: ○ Not combined ○ PICU and adult ICU combined ○ PICU and NICU combined ○ PICU, NICU and adult ICU combined ○ Other: Does your PICU care for children after pediatric cardiac surgery? * Please choose only one of the following: ○ Yes ○ No ○ Unknown What is the number of PICU beds in your unit? * Please choose only one of the following: ○ 1-10