Maayke Hunfeld

99 Survey neuroprognostication o Brainstem reflexes o FOUR score o It depends on the treating physician o Unknown o Other: Who performs neurological examination in comatose children after cardiac arrest? (multiple answers possible) * Please choose all that apply: o (Pediatric) neurologist o Pediatric intensivist/fellow o Pediatric anesthesiologist o Resident o Nurse practitioner o Nurse o Unknown o Other: How often do you perform neurological examination in comatose children after cardiac arrest? (multiple answers possible) * Please choose all that apply: o > once per day o Daily o Less than daily o Never o It depends on the treating physician o Unknown o Other: Do you use EEG in routine clinical practice for neuroprognostication in comatose children after cardiac arrest? (multiple answers possible) * Please choose all that apply: o No o Yes, routine EEG (30 minutes) within 24 hrs o Yes, routine EEG (30 minutes) after 24 hrs o Yes, continuous EEG (at least several hours) within 24 hrs o Yes, continuous EEG (at least several hours) after 24 hrs o It depends on the treating physician 3