Joris van Dongen

161 The power of fat and ASCs for scar treatment: a review Table 2a. Animal studies on lipofilling to improve scar appearance. Reference Animal model Intervention Follow up Results Garza et al. 2014 Mouse Radiation of scalp skin Treatment: lipofilling (human adipose tissue) 4 weeks after irradiation. Control: no lipofilling and/or no radiation. Histology of skin for epidermal thickness (H&E), collagen arrangement (picrosirius red) and vessel density (CD31). CT for fat graft retention. Histology of fat graft. Assessments 2 and/or 8 weeks after lipofilling. Return of dermal thickness to normal level. Decrease in collagen level to normal level. Increase of vascular density. All for irradiated skin treated with lipofilling, compared to non-treated irradiated skin. Less fat graft retention in irradiated group compared to non-irradiated group. Sultan et al. 2011 Mouse Full thickness burn wound on dorsum Treatment: lipofilling (human adipose tissue) 2 weeks after injury. Control: saline injection Blood flow measurement by Laser- Doppler. Photographs. Histology for collagen arrangement (picrosirius red) and vessel density (CD31). Gene and protein expression analysis of skin. Assessment 4 and/or 8 weeks after lipofilling. Improvement in color and texture of wound area. Increased blood flow in wound area at 4 but not at 8 weeks. Increase in pro-angiogenic proteins and decrease of pro-fibrotic proteins. Increased vessel density at 4 weeks. Better collagen alignment at 8 week. All for lipofilling versus control group. Sultan et al. 2011 Mouse Radiation of dorsum skin Treatment: lipofilling (human adipose tissue) 4 weeks after irradiation. Control: saline injection and/or no irradiation Photographs. Histology for epidermal thickness (H&E), collagen arrangement (picrosirius red), vessel density (CD31) and pro-fibrotic marker (Smad3). All at 4 and/or 8 weeks after lipofilling. Decrease in radiation ulcer size and less hyperpigmentation. Less epidermal thickening. Normalization of vascular density. Decrease in amount of Smad3 (activation not measured). All outcomes for lipofilling treated irradiated animals compared to saline treated irradiated animals.