Joris van Dongen

170 Chapter 7 Table 3. Animal studies on ADSC as a treatment for wound healing and scar prevention or reduction. Reference Animal model Biomaterial Intervention Follow up Results Castiglione et al. 2013 Rat Peyronie's disease (TGF-β1 induced) No 1x10 6 labeled human ADSC Control: PB Local injection Protein expression and histomorphometric analysis of the penis, Erectile function measurements 5weeks after ADSC- treatment. Decrease in collagen III and elastin deposition (immunofluorescence). Improvederectile function. Both inADSC-treated vs. control group. Lam et al. 2012 Mouse Splinted excisional wound healing model Small intestinal submucosa (SIS) 1x10 6 mouse ADSC on SIS patch Control: patch alone or Topical application of ADSC Wound healing speed, fibrosis (H&E and MTC staining) after wound healing. Measured at day 14 after wounding. Wound healing improved slightly with ADSC on SIS. Decreased fibrotic area with topical ADCS and with ADSC on SIS Both compared ADSC on SIS to untreated or SIS alone. Lee et al. 2011 Nudemouse Splinted excisional wound healing model Collagengel 1x10 6 human ADSC in collagen gel Control: human dermal fibroblast in collagen gel, or collagen gel alone Photographs of wound area size 10 days after wounding. Scar size 28 days after wounding (H&E staining). ADSC collagen gel group had a faster wound closure rate than control, but slower than DF collagen gels. Scar size increased in ADSC and DF collagen gel groups compared to control (based on H&E staining alone). Uysal et al. 2014 Rat Full thickness excisional wound No 1x10 7 labeled rat ADSC Control: 1x10 7 rat BMSC or PBS Local injection Woundhealing speed. Histology for neovascularization, epithelial thickness (bothH&E). Immunostaining for cytokeratin, αSMA, FGF, VEGF, TGF-β1, β2 and β3. All at day 56 after wounding. Increasedwound healing speed, neovascularization and epithelial thickness. Lower αSMA, TGF-β1, β2 and β3 and higher FGF andVEGF expression. All outcomes for ADSC and BMSC treated groups vs. control group Yun et al. 2012 Pig Scarring model, after full thickness wound No 1x10 6 labeled human ADSC Control: PBS Three consecutive local injections Area, color and flexibility of scar. Histological assessment of collagen arrangement (MTC), number of mast cells. Gene expression analysis of scar tissue. All until 50 days after ADSC injection. Slightly smaller scar area and slightly higher pliability. Higher amount of mature collagen. Lower mast cell count. Lower gene expression of αSMA andTIMP1, higher expression of MMP1. All outcomes for ADSC treated group vs. control group.