Joris van Dongen

171 The power of fat and ASCs for scar treatment: a review Table 3. Continued. Reference Animal model Biomaterial Intervention Follow up Results Zhang et al. 2015 Rabbit Hypertrophic scar model, after full thickness wound No 4x10 6 labeled rabbit ADSC Control: ADSC CM, culturemedium, or untreated. Local injection Histology for scar size and collagen arrangement (H&E andMTC). Gene expression analysis of scar tissue. All until 35 days after ADSC injection. Less scar elevation. Less deposition and better alignment of collagen. Lower gene expression of αSMA and collagen I. All outcomes for ADSC or ADSC CM treated groups vs. culture mediumor untreated groups. Zonari et al. 2015 Rat Full thickness excisional wound PHBV scaffold 1x10 6 labeled rat ADSC in PHBV scaffold Control: PHBV scaffold or untreated Wound healing speed, skin thickness (H&E), vessel density, collagen arrangement (MTC) and gene expression analysis. All until 28 days after wounding. No difference in wound healing speed. Improved skin thickness and collagen fiber organization. Lower αSMA and TGF-β1, higher TGF-β3 gene expression. No difference in vessel density at 28 days. All these outcomes for ADSC in scaffold vs. scaffold alone. Abbreviations: ADSC = Adipose Derived Stem/Stromal Cell, SIS = Small Intestinal Submucosa, H&E = Hematoxillin and Eosin, MTC = Masson’s Trichrome, DF = Dermal Fibroblast, α SMA = alpha Smooth Muscle Actin, FGF = Fibroblast Growth Factor, VEGF = Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, TGF- β = Transforming Growth Factor beta, BMSC = Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cell, PBS = Phosphate Buffered Saline, TIMP1 = Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase, MMP = Matrix Metalloproteinase, ADSC CM = ADSC Conditioned Medium, PHBV = Polyhydroxybutyrate-co-Hydroxyvalerate