Joris van Dongen

173 The power of fat and ASCs for scar treatment: a review are required. In this way, use of allogeneic cells or xenogenic cell culture products can be circumvented, resulting in an off-the-shelf product. ADSC conditioned medium would be ideal for topical application or injection in wounds or developing scars. CONCLUSION Since Neuber's first report in 1893, the use of adipose tissue, has gradually developed into an exciting new way to be used in the treatment and prevention of scar tissue. After lipofilling or after application of ADSC, improvement of scar appearance or reduction in scar related pain has been reported in many case reports and clinical studies. Lipofilling and ADSC seem promising to lessen the severity of developing as well as pre-existent fibrotic scarring. A factor which complicates definitive conclusions in the efficacy of lipofilling and ADSC, is the wide variety in experimental design of the studies. Each study uses different outcome measurements, at different time points in pre-existent as well as in developing scarring. Up to date, large randomized controlled clinical trials using lipofilling, ADSC, SVF or ADSC conditioned medium for fibrotic scar treatment, are still lacking. For future randomized controlled clinical trials, we recommend researchers to carefully select their source of stromal cells depending on their goal.