Joris van Dongen

30 Chapter 2 Table 2. Specific search terms of databases. Search term Pubmed: ((((Adipose Tissue [Mesh] OR Adipocytes [Mesh] OR Fat [tiab] OR Lipoaspirate* [tiab])) AND (Cell separation [Mesh] OR Isolat* [tiab] OR Dissociat* [tiab] OR Emulsification [tiab] OR Concentrat* [tiab] OR Digest* [tiab] OR Obtained [tiab])) AND (Stem cells [Mesh] OR Stromal cells [Mesh] OR Autologous progenitor cell* [tiab] OR Stromal vascular* [tiab] OR Regenerative cell* [tiab] OR Vascular stroma [tiab])) Restriction: Only human Search term Embase: ('adipose tissue':ab,ti OR 'adipocytes':ab,ti OR 'fat':ab,ti OR lipoaspirate*:ab,ti AND ('cell separation' OR isolat*:ab,ti OR dissociat*:ab,ti OR 'emulsification':ab,ti OR concentrat*:ab,ti OR digest*:ab,ti OR 'obtained':ab,ti) AND ('stem cells':ab,ti OR 'stromal cells':ab,ti OR 'autologous progenitor cell':ab,ti OR 'autologous progenitor cells':ab,ti OR 'stromal vascular':ab,ti OR 'stromal vascular fraction':ab,ti OR 'regenerative cell':ab,ti OR 'regenerative cells':ab,ti OR 'vascular stroma':ab,ti)) AND [embase]/lim NOT [medline]/lim AND 'article'/it Restriction: Only EMBASE Search term Cochrane Library: (adipose tissue OR adipocytes OR fat OR lipoaspirate*) AND (cell separation OR Isolat* OR Dissociat* OR Emulsification OR Concentrat* OR Digest* OR Obtained) AND (stem cells OR stromal cells OR autologous progenitor cell* OR stromal vascular* OR regenerative cell* OR vascular stroma) Risk of bias in individual studies It is known that the quality of ASCs depends on age and harvest location of the donor 18- 21 . The inclusion of young healthy patients may positively affect the results. Therefore, detailed information about demographics are described in this review. Summary measurements Effect sizes were calculated of the outcome variables cell yield and percentage of viable nucleated cells from cSVF between enzymatic intraoperative isolation procedures and non-intraoperative isolation protocols (gold standard). The following effect size formula was used: effect size = (difference in mean outcomes between enzymatic intraoperative isolation procedures and gold standard) / (standard deviation of the gold standard). Studies which presented results in mean and standard deviation were analyzed. Intraoperative isolation procedures focusing on tSVF instead of cSVF were not taken into account in the effect size of cell yield, because of different start volumes of lipoaspirate and end volumes of tSVF.