Joris van Dongen

319 Adipose ECM hydrogels to release paracrine factors Figure 5. ( A,C,E) = Representative fluoromicrographs of iASC13EGFP cultured on top of human adipose tissue-derived ECM hydrogels after respectively one, six and six days. ( B,D,F) = Representative fluoromicrographs of iASC13EGFP cultured on tissue culture plastic (control) for respectively one, six and six days. Scale bar: A-D: 400 µm, E-F: 200 µm. iASC13EGFP = immortalized EGFP-tagged adipose derived stromal cells; ECM = extracellular matrix. Histological confirmation of ASCs present inside the hydrogels Haematoxylin-stained thin section of paraffin-embedded hydrogels confirmed the presence of ASCs inside the hydrogels (Fig. 6A) and at the periphery below the gel surface (Fig. 6B).