Joris van Dongen

35 Comparison of SVF isolation procedures: a systematic review Donor site Infiltration (1/0) Cannula (mm) Pressure Abdominal 1 2.5 blunt 25-28 mmHg Vacuum Abdominal, flank, back, arms, buttocks, inner thighs 1 - - Abdominal 1 19 cm blunt, 3 mm OD, 5 oval holes (1x2 mm) manually or clamping - 0 - - Hips, Trochanteric, abdominal 1 3 blunt 0.4 bar Hips, Trochanteric, abdominal Hips, abdominal - 1 Sorenson cannula - Abdominal 1 - - - 0 - - Thigh 1 3-mm multiport cannula, holes of 2 mm - - 1 - - Abdominal 1 4 mm blunt cannula, oval opening 2 x 4mm manual Abdominal, thigh, hip 0 - - Abdominal 1 3-mm sharp nultiport cannula, holes of 1mm high-negative