Joris van Dongen

363 Curriculum vitae auctoris CURRICULUMVITAE AUCTORIS Joris van Dongen was born on February 25 th 1993 in Roosendaal, the Netherlands. After graduating from Markland College Oudenbosch in 2011, he started studying Medicine at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam in September 2011. During his study, he was an active member of student communities and started participating in research projects in his second year of Medical School. From his third year, he started participating in several research projects in the field of Plastic Surgery under the supervision of dr. H.P.J.D. Stevens. After finishing the bachelor, he put his Medical study on hold to move to Groningen and start his PhD in the field of Regenerative Plastic Surgery focusing primarily on adipose mesenchymal stromal cells under the supervision of dr. H.P.J.D. Stevens, prof. dr. B. van der Lei and prof. dr. M.C. Harmsen. Following two and a half year of fulltime research in Groningen, Joris continued with his Medical study with his clinical rotations while continuing his research. In between clinical rotations, he also performed a scientific fellowship betweenMay and June 2018 at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the University of São Paulo, Brazil under the supervision of dr. C.P. Camargo and prof dr. L.F.P. Moreira. Joris received several grants (Jan Cornelis de Cock Stichting (three times) and KNAW van Waalre Beurs) and presented his research at many national and international conferences receiving several awards. During his final clinical rotation, he was selected for the Plastic Surgery residency at the University Medical Center Utrecht. In September 2019, Joris graduated from Medical School and started working as surgical resident at the Department of Surgery of the St. Antonius Hospital in Nieuwegein and Utrecht as part of his Plastic Surgery resident program.