Joris van Dongen

40 Chapter 2 Table 4B. Duration, costs and procedure characteristics of intraoperative concentration procedures focusing on tSVF. Name Author Enzymatic/ Non- enzymatic (E/N) Automatic/ Manual/ Semi (A/M/S) Open/ closed (O/C) Isolation details Time (min) Disposable (D)/ reusable (R) cost (Dollar) Volume processed (ml) Capacity (ml) End volume (ml) Maximum volume processed /maximum end volume FAT Van Dongen et al. 2016 N M O 3000 rpm (radius 9.5 cm) centrifugation, shuffling through a 1.4 mm hole connector, 3000 rpm (radius 9.5 cm) centrifugation n/a 8-10 R 10 10 0.96 [0.75 - 1.75] 10.4 FAST Domenis et al. 2015 N M - Filterbag (120 micron filter), 400 xg centrifugation n/a - - - - 10 - FEF Mashiko et al. 2016 N M O 1200 xg centrifugation, shuffling through a connector with three small holes 30 times, 1200 xg centrifugation, fluid of decanting filtration (500-mm pore size) used n/a - - - - - 9.9+/-2.0 LIPOG Bianchi et al. 2013 N M C Filtering, decantation, stainless steel marbles to mix layers (oil, adipose tissue, blood, saline), washing, decantation, reversing devices, filtering n/a 20 D 40-130 130 60-100 1.3 NANO Tonnard et al. 2013 N M O Shufling adipose tissue through a female-to-female luerlok 30 times, filtering n/a - - - - - - REF Mashiko et al. 2016 N M O 1200 xg centrifugation, shuffling through a connector with three small holes 30 times, 1200 xg centrifugation, residual tissue of decanting filtration (500-mm pore size) used n/a - - - - - 2.5+/-0.2 SF Mashiko et al. 2016 N M O 1200 xg centrifugation, squeeze using automated slicer, 1200 xg centrifugation n/a - - - - - 2.1+/-0.2 SHUF5 Osinga et al. 2015 N M O Shuffling lipoaspirate through female-to-female luerlok 30 times n/a 5 sec. - 10 - - - SHUF30 Osinga et al. 2015 N M O Shuffling lipoaspirate through female-to-female luerlok 30 times n/a 30 sec. - 10 - - - STCELL Milan et al. N M C 1000 xg centrifugation n/a - - 400 500 Pellet - FAT Fractionation of Adipose Tissue procedure; FAST Fastem Corios (Corios); FEF Filtrated fluid of emulsified fat; LIPOG Lipogems (Lipogems); NANO Nanofat procedure; REF Residual tissue of emulsified fat; SF Squeezed fat; SHUF5 Shuffling 5 times; SHUF30 Shuffling 30 times