Birgitta Versluijs

Pre HCT BAL Respiratory virus PCR-negative Respiratory virus PCR-positive aGVHD (treatment for) Increased risk Decreased risk Alloimmune Lung Syndromes with  TRM  OS Time after HCT HCT = Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation TRM = Treatment Related Mortality OS= Overall Survival aGVHD = acute Graft versus Host Disease Infection with a respiratory virus before hematopoietic cell transplantation is associated with alloimmune-mediated lung syndromes A.B. Versluys, M.B. Bierings, J.L. Murk, T.F.W. Wolfs, C.A. Lindemans, C.K. van der Ent, J.J. Boelens J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017; 141: 697-703.e8