Birgitta Versluijs

114 Results Overall, RVs were detected in 110 (61%) of the patients. In BAL fluid RVs were detected in 74 (41%) samples; 36 (20%) children had RVs detected in NPAs only. Only 5 (6%) patients with positive BAL fluid RV results had negative NPA RV results. Rhinovirus was the most frequently detected RV (43%), followed by multiple RVs (38%), with a similar distribution in BAL fluid and NPAs, as shown in Table 2. No patients with negative RV results had signs of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) during hospitalization. TABLE 1. Demographics and baseline characteristics. N=179 Age at HCT (median in years (range)) 6.8 (0.6-22.7) Male sex, n (%) 106 (59) HCT indication, n(%)*  Malignancy  Bone marrow failure syndrome  Inborn error of metabolism  Primary immune deficiency 90 (50) 16 (9) 34 (19) 39 (22) Conditioning, n (%)  TBI-based  Chemotherapy-based 27 (15) 152 (85) Donor, n (%)  MSD  MUD  uCB 47 (26) 35 (20) 97 (54) HLA matching, n (%)  Matched  Mismatch 120 (67) 59 (33) CMV serology recipient, n (%)  Positive  Negative  Unknown 103 (58) 70 (39) 6 (3) BAL — PCR respiratory virus positive, n (%) 74 (41) NPA — PCR respiratory virus positive, n (%) 105 (59) Abbreviations: TBI, total-body irradiation; MSD, matched sibling donor; MUD, matched unrelated donor; uCB, unrelated cord blood; CMV, cytomegalovirus. *HCT indications: Malignancy, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, juvenile myelomonoblastic leukemia, and lymphoma; bone marrow failure syn- dromes, Fanconi anemia, congenital agranulocytosis, and severe aplastic anemia; inborn errors of metabolism, Hurlers syndrome, hemoglobinopathies, and other; primary im- mune deficiencies, severe combined immune deficiency and combined immunodeficiency. 7