Birgitta Versluijs

161 Discussion TABLE 1. Overview of publications on predictors for Allo-LS in children after HCT — continued Author Study population Primary endpoint, identified Predictor Remarks Uhlving (21) 2013 N=130, 10.4 (6-16) yr PFT pre- and post-HCT Decline in PFT aGVHD → FEV1, FEV1/FVC, CO-diffusion Malignancy → FEV1, FVC, TLC, CO-diffusion cGVHD → FEV1, FVC Busulfan → FEV1, FEV1/FVC, CO-diffusion CMV(neg donor/pos recipient) → FEV1, FVC No data on Residual Volume Versluys (5) 2010 N=110, 5 (0.2-21) yr BOS/IPS Allo-LS: 27.3% RV+ pre-HCT HR 8.37 (1.78-39.43), p=0.007 aGVHD OR 0.1(0.02-0.47),p=0.004 GVHD treatment: protective Versluys(6) 2017 N=179, 6.8 (0.6-22.7) BAL and NPA pre-HCT BOS/IPS Allo-LS: 13% BAL RVpositivity HR 3.8 (1.4-10.7), p=0.01 NPA RVpositivity NS Keates (7) 2006 N=93, 7.8 (0.6-20.5) yr IPS: 11.8% aGVHD p=0.09 Abbreviations: Allo-LS = Allo immune mediated lung syndrome, HCT= Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation, IPS = Idiopathic Pneumonia Syndrome, TBI = Total Body Irradiation, aGVHD = acute Graft Versus Host Disease, cGVHD = chronic Graft Versus Host disease, KL-6= Krebs von der Lungen-6, PFT = Pulmonary Function Test, CR3 = third complete remission, CMV = CytoMegaloVirus, RV = Respiratory Virus, BAL = Broncho Alveolar Lavage, NPA = Nasal Pharyngeal Aspirate 9