Birgitta Versluijs

Pulmonary complications of childhood cancer treatment A.B.Versluys, D. Bresters Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 2016; 17: 63–70 Abstract Pulmonary complications of childhood cancer treatment are fre- quently seen. These can lead to adverse sequelae many years after treatment, with important impact on morbidity, quality of life and mortality in childhood cancer survivors. This review addresses the effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and alloimmunity (in haematopoietic cell transplantation) on the lung in children. It highlights the complexity of lung damage and lung disease in rela- tion to growth and development, infections and other external fac- tors. Screening high risk childhood cancer survivors for treatment related late effects, with therapy based screening protocols, using full medical assessment and pulmonary function tests is impor- tant. This will lead to recognition of pulmonary sequelae of cancer treatment, early detection of lung damage in survivors and better treatment and prevention. Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program, Depart- ment of Pediatrics University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), Utrecht, The Netherlands A.B. Versluys Willem-Alexander Children’s Hospital, Leiden Univer- sity Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden, The Netherlands D. Bresters