Birgitta Versluijs

28 Pulmonary complications of radiotherapy Data on age at irradiation as a risk factor for pulmonary complications is conflicting. Some studies reported small lung volume but normal gas transfer per unit of lung vo- lume in those exposed at a very young age, suggesting that underdevelopment of the tho- rax is more important than parenchymal lung damage. 11,14 Others have suggested a more pronounced effect of irradiation in the developing lung. 11,15 By contrast, some studies found older age at irradiation to be associated with reduced lung function, hypothesizing loss of repair capacity with increasing age. 16 FIGURE 3. Cumulative incidence of medical conditions reported > 5 years after diagno- sis. CRX only: chest radiation therapy only. PTC only: pulmonary toxic chemotherapy only. (With permission Professor A. Mertens 6 ) 2