Birgitta Versluijs

84 Results hazard models. Dichotomous outcomes were used as dependent variables. Univariate predictors with a P value of < .05 were used for multivariate analysis. All statistics were done using SPSS 21. Results Patient cohort We included 142 consecutive children receiving a first allogeneic HCT. Apart from mild upper respiratory tract symptoms in some, all patients were asymptomatic for lung disease at the time of pre-HCT screening. Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. In 3 patients, no pre-SCT lung screening was performed at all; 2 of them were under 4 months of age. In 122 patients (86%), all planned screening modalities could be perfor- med. In 19 children, only some of the tests were done either for logistic reasons (n=9) or because screening BAL was the only reason for general anesthesia, which was then TABLE 1. Patient characteristics. Characteristic Value Median age (range) in years 7.0 (0.2-19.4) Gender, n  Female  Male 54 88 Underlying disease, n  Immune deficiency†  Leukemia/lymphoma  Bone marrow failure, bone marrow disease  without chemotherapy‡  Inborn error of metabolism§ 27 60 30 25 * Immune deficiencies include combined immune deficiency, severe combined immune deficiency, hemophagocytic lympho histiocytosis, autoimmune lymphoproliferative syn- drome, and chronic granulomatous disease. Leukemia includes acute lymphoblastic leu- kemia and acute myeloid leukemia. † Bone marrow failure includes Fanconi anemia, congenital agranulocytosis and thallase- mia. ‡ Bone marrow diseases not pretreated with chemotherapy include myelodysplastic syn- drome and juvenile myelomonocytotic leukemia. § Inborn errors of metabolism includes predominantly Hurler syndrome. 5