Birgitta Versluijs

89 Pulmonary screening before hematopoietic cell transplantation in children FIGURE 2. Overview results pre-HCT screening tests. PFT, pulmonary function test; defined as abnormal if <80% of normal or RV/TLC >25 HRCT, high-resolution CT scan; abnormal in case of "clinical significant" abnormalities BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage RV: respiratory virus, PCR positivity; bact, bacteria * not all patients < 5 years had PFT done (N=8) ** not all patients had HRCT performed (N=5) *** not all patients with HRCT underwent BAL (N=15) HRCT abnormal N=7 (14%) ** HRCT normal N=43 HRCT abnormal N=8 HRCT normal N=45 HRCT abnormal N=3 HRCT normal N=24 BAL abnormal N=2 (33%) *** Fungi 1 RV 1 BAL abnormal N=29 (71%) *** Fungi 7 Bact 16 RV 17 BAL abnormal N=3 (43%) *** Fungi 2 Bact 7 BAL abnormal N=10 (24%) *** Fungi 4 Bact 2 RV 5 BAL abnormal N=1 (33%) *** Fungi 1 BAL abnormal N=9 (43%) *** Fungi 3 Bact 2 RV 5 Children >5 years N=88 PFT normal N=27 PFT abnormal N=53 (66%) * Children <5 years N=54 5