Birgitta Versluijs

99 Good outcome of untreated RSV in pediatric HCT TABLE 1. Characteristics of RSV-positive patients — continued. Patient characteristics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Treatment NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Antibiotics RSV-attributable death N/A N/A N/A NO N/A NO NO N/A Outcome Alive and well Alive and well Alive and well Died +27 months: cGVHD, aspergil- losis, organ failure Alive, progres- sive un- derlying disease Died +53 days: aspergil- losis, immune- mediated lung disease Died +7 months: Relapsed disease Alive and well * Diagnosis: ALL = acute lymphoblastic leukemia, MPS 1 = MucoPolySacharridose type I = Hurlers disease, MPS III = MucoPolySachar- ridose type III = San Filippo’s disease, X-CGD = X-linked chronic granulomatous disease, HLH = Hereditary Hemofagocytic Lymphohis- tiocytosis. ** Type of donor: 10/10 MUD = fully matched unrelated donor, uCB = unrelated Cord Blood, 5/6 and 6/6 indicates HLA match. *** Conditioning regimen: Bu = Busulfan, Cy = Cyclofosfamide, VP16 = Etoposide, ATG = anti thymocyte globulin, TBI = total body irradi- ation, Treo = Treosulfan, Flu = Fludarabine. **** GVHD profylaxis: CsA = Ciclosporine A, MTX = Methotrexate, Pred = Prednisone. § ISI-RSV = immunodeficiency scoring index for RSV infection, in a pediatric cohort max 10, low risk 0-2, moderate risk 3-6, high risk 7-10 6