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Novel ileocolonic release peppermint oil 129 6 Menthol-glucuronide levels Baseline menthol-glucuronide concentrations were all below the detection limit, except for one subject on the first test day who had a concentration of 5.79 μg/L. These low levels were considered evidence that the instructions given regarding avoidance of menthol-containing products were sufficient. The pharmacokinetic parameters of 182 mg small-intestinal and 182 mg ileocolonic release peppermint oil are shown in Table 6.4 . The plasma concentration time curve is given in Figure 6.2 . For an overview of plasma concentration time curves per individual subject, please see Figure S6.1 in the Supplementary Material . Table 6.4 Pharmacokinetic parameter results; small-intestinal release and ileocolonic release peppermint oil. Small-intestinal release peppermint oil Ileocolonic release peppermint oil Ratio LN- transformed parameter (90% CI) T max (min) Arithmetic Mean (SEM) Median (IQR) Geometric mean (SEM) 165 (15) 180 (120-180) 160 (15) 375 (19)* 360 (360-405)* 372 (19)* N.A. T lag (min) Arithmetic Mean (SEM) Median (IQR) Geometric mean (SEM) 38 (12) 37 (6-65) 22 (12) 241 (18)* 225 (204-284)* 237 (18)* N.A. AUC 0-24 (μg*h/L) Arithmetic Mean (SEM) Median (IQR) Geometric mean (SEM) 2664 (84) 2623 (2471-2920) 2655 (84) 2246 (118)* 2331 (2006-2510)* 2222 (118)* 1.02 (1.01-1.04) C max (μg/L) Arithmetic Mean (SEM) Median (IQR) Geometric mean (SEM) 817.9 (90) 702 (644-1020) 788.2 (90) 558.0 (100) 563.6 (268-849) 487 (100) 1.02 (1.01-1.04) T 1/2 (hours) Arithmetic Mean (SEM) Median (IQR) Geometric mean (SEM) 9.2 (1.4) 7.7 (7.0-10.8) 8.6 (1.4) 6.4 (0.6) 6.1 (5.1-7.4) 6.2 (0.6) N.A. Differences between both peppermint oil capsules were tested using Wilcoxon-signed-rank test. * Significant difference between small-intestinal release and ileocolonic release peppermint oil ( P <0.05). LN; natural log, CI; confidence interval, T max ; time to reach maximum plasma concentration, SEM; standard error of the mean, IQR; interquartile range, T lag ; time to reach a menthol-glucuronide concentration of 45 μg/L, AUC; area under the concentration time curve, C max ; maximum concentration, T 1/2 ; Time required for the plasma concentration to reach half of its original value (Elimination half-life), N.A.; non-applicable. T max of the ileocolonic release peppermint oil capsules was significantly longer in all participants compared to T max of small-intestinal release peppermint oil with a median (IQR) of 360 minutes (360-405) versus 180 minutes (120-180) respectively, P <0.05